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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learning Journal 25

Earlier this week we had to submit our IRB proposals to be reviewed. It wasn't easy, but I think in the end the final draft was pretty decent. I had had it reviewed mulitple times by different peolpe, and though it's not perfect, it is a lot better than the original draft. One of the main problems I encountered with my proposal was a lack of a good focus. My ideas were far too many, I had listed six or seven 'questions' that could be turned into full blown projects all thier own. I had to be reminded that I will only be in Tonga for three months, and that I can take a look at all the other topics I included but that there would be no possible way to really give them justice. In the end, I have chosen to focus on the Tongan perceptions of aging and the elderly with an emphasis on how they view Alzheimer's disease. When interviewing people I can ask about different things, but the main point is to focus on their perceptions.

Also, because I am donig a general observational study on perceptions of aging and of Alzheimer's disease, that essentially elimates the difficulty of working with a vulnerable population because I will not be working with Alzheimer's patients at all. Slight interactions may occur but I will not be interveiwing or studying them. The topics of aging and Alzheimer's can still get sensitive but not to the same degree. This whole research project is coming to life more than ever before and really beginning to seem real. Now I will just cross my fingers and hope the Institutional Review Board passes my project (even accepting it with changes would be perfectly okay with me).

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