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Friday, March 2, 2012

Learning Journal 21

Palangi. This is the Tongan word for white people, like me. I am going to need to prepare myself for situations that as an American white kid I am sure to encounter. For example, in class we talked about what you would do if someone came up to you and asked you to help pay for their child's education. I come with a stereotype of priveleged, rich, and white. And, yes, because of the circumstances I was born into I have had been more priveleged and had more opportunities in life. Now, if someone approached me like that, I would want to help them, but I know that I don't hardly have the means to do much good. We discussed in class, that instead of paying for education, simply share what knowledge you have and teach them instead. I think this is a really cool idea, sharing knowledge, teaching and helping out in that way.

When I go to Tonga, the last thing I want to do is force myself and my culture on their own. I will be there to learn about them and their culture, not to change it any one bit. I want to be able to go home to Alaska for a week and bring with me what I have learned (from three months granted) of their culture and share that with people. I want to return to Provo a better person from the experiences I will have encountered in Tonga. I recognize that this is a responsibility compeletely my own, as we choose the attitude we have in any circumstance and we choose what we take out of experiences be they good or bad. I want to bring home the good, and leave behind a great reputation for future Tonga field study students.

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